Working Alongside Modern AI

Working Alongside Modern AI is an increasingly complex issue which can be a useful tool in the humanities discipline. Working Alongside Modern AI focuses on LLM (Large Language Model) and Generative Imagery, and their uses. It also delves into questions surrounding the ethics of using AI tools, and how to work with AI as a tool, rather than a replacement for one’s own voice.

What does it mean to work with AI as a tool?

The expansive reach and rapid development of LLMs and Generative Imaging technologies have been breathtaking, yet understanding how to interpret and use these technologies is crucial to obtaining results that fit your needs. Using AI as a tool means crafting prompts for your LLMs (Prompt Engineering) that give you relevant and useful outputs. Doing so requires critical and thoughtful engagement with LLM outputs, rather than accepting them as factual or perfect representations of reality.

Humanities and using Generative AI:

Humanities subjects are well placed to engage with the future of LLM and other generative technologies. Subjects such as Philosophy, Anthropology and History engage us into critically thinking about real issues such as conflict, ethical decision making and biases. As businesses and governments rapidly adopt LLM technologies, it is these critical thinking skills that will be greatly valued as the need to analyse and interpret outputs increase. Here is an interesting read about the high relevance of LLMs and Humanities subjects:

This page was written by students. Contributors include: Cat: Undergraduate BA Ancient History Alumni, Ben: Undergraduate International Relations
This content is proudly written by students for students and does not necessarily represent the views of the Faculty or the University