
What is storytelling?

Storytelling can be traced back to the dawn of civilisation. It is the art of telling stories, often in narrative or embellished form, to share experiences, beliefs or morals to others for education and entertainment.

Storytelling is used in many humanities subjects, from literature to fine arts to archaeology to anthropology. It is an important lifelong skill that allows us to connect with others on a deeper level by discovering common belief systems and morals.

Storytelling can tell us much about our world – it is our main source of information for the ancient world, it educates people across the modern world through new storytelling mediums, like video games, film and television shows, or small media like Instagram and TikTok posts.

The ability to tell stories to others is a skill which is needed to navigate many career paths, whether it be in the form of teaching and learning, or in the form of creating backstory and meaning in product marketing.

To learn more about storytelling and story writing, look at our page on Design and Narrative Theory


This page was written by students. Contributors include: Cat: Undergraduate BA Ancient History Alumni
This content is proudly written by students for students and does not necessarily represent the views of the Faculty or the University