Design & Narrative Theory

What is Design and Narrative Theory?

Narrative theory and narrative design are crucial elements in the creative design process. Narrative design is not just plotting or writing a story but is the creation of what a story looks like, what narrative tools will be employed in telling the story, or how an audience will perceive the story. Narrative theory, or narratology, is the process of understanding how these narratives and their designs are perceived by their audiences.

Narrative theory and narrative design are crucial to all humanities subjects. Narratology is used throughout subjects such as teaching, literature, anthropology, and history, often with a focus on deconstructing pre-existing narratives to find further meaning within them. There are many methods of storytelling emerging with the rise of new technologies, such as in game development or in virtual reality experiences, however in fields such as the film making or marketing, understanding narrative design is crucial for creating or promoting a project or product by connecting with a specific audience.

To learn more about storytelling, visit this page

This page was written by students. Contributors include: Cat: Undergraduate BA Ancient History Alumni
This content is proudly written by students for students and does not necessarily represent the views of the Faculty or the University