Website Development

A significant aspect of digital humanities and professional industries as technology continues to rapidly grow, website development incolves the creation and maintenance of websites to support a range of functions.

With such a diverse range of websites available online, education-focussed sites can be categorised into:

Research & Digital Archives

Websites can be developed into an online portal hosting digital archives which may include historical documents, digitised historical artefacts or simply sharing research findings including datasets or publications of academic work.

Excellent real-world applications can be interactive historical stories or virtual exhibitions of museums and similar cultural institutions, whether it be a digitised artefact or a virtual tour of a physical space.

Learning & Teaching

Course websites with access to reading materials, multimedia content, and interactive resources, or learning platforms which offer modules, virtual classrooms, or simply sharing materials enhance the learning experience for students with accessible resources.

Student Projects & Portfolios

Especially in the Faculty of Arts, many students create websites as part of their coursework which may showcase a research project, personal portfolio, case studies, and creative work. This enables collaborators, researchers, and even potential employers to visit and review student content and further understand concepts or theories, both within an academic environment and as a self-branding tool.

This page was written by students. Contributors include: Benedict: Postgraduate Media & Communications student
This content is proudly written by students for students and does not necessarily represent the views of the Faculty or the University