Photography & 3D Imaging

Photography and 3D Imaging

Photography and 3D Imaging are becoming increasingly crucial in the humanities disciplines. As an emerging technique in fields such as archaeology, 3D Imaging and Photography skills are highly sought after by employers in our ever-digitising world.

Technical vs Creative Photography

Photography can fall into two categories – creative photography and technical photography. While creative photography and a basic understanding of camera techniques are used in fine arts and media, technical photography, that is, recording data through photography techniques, such as photogrammetry, is used widely in fields such as science and archaeology.

3D Imaging

3D Imaging is an umbrella term for various 3D scanning techniques, through which physical objects can be reproduced digitally. Some methods of 3D Imaging include infra-red scanning, structured light scanning, or laser scanning techniques to capture 3D data, as well as CT scanning methods in some cases.

In humanities, 3D imaging, including the use of technical photography, aids in the preservation and distribution of items such as artworks, scientific specimens, historical artefacts and heritage sites, with many other applications being discovered frequently. This allows objects to be viewed in both 2D and 3D formats around the world, giving communities the ability to access their own heritage artefacts regardless of location or available institutions.

To see more about Photography and 3D Imaging opportunities at Macquarie University, follow the link below to discover PACE opportunities.

To see artefacts that have been digitised using these methods at Macquarie University, go to

This page was written by students. Contributors include: Benedict: Postgraduate Media & Communications student
This content is proudly written by students for students and does not necessarily represent the views of the Faculty or the University